Innovation + Implementation℠

The Quantum Field Theory of Interactions

A Theory Beyond the Standard Model

to explain the origin of the fundamental fermions.

The Fundamental Particles

This theory, currently being researched by Nova Software, Inc., has the goal of explaining how the known stable fundamental fermions* arise from the three known fundamental particle interactions. The Standard Model assumes the existence of the observed fundamental fermions, and then is extremely successful in predicting the physics that ensues. The major tennets of its theoretical framework, quantum field theory (QFT) and the local gauge invariance principle, do not, however, constrain the Universe to that particular set of fermions and their eigenvalues. Many others are possible within that framework. It's only experiment that picks out the particular set used in the Standard Model. One must go beyond the Standard Model to find the theory for these facts.

Numerous theories "Beyond the Standard Model" have been proposed over the years to rectify this and other limitations of the Standard Model. These theories often are based on additional symmetries and/or interactions (forces) and/or fields (particles) beyond those currently part of the Standard Model, while preserving the QFT & gauge invariance framework. Some mechanism is typically included to explain why the added element(s) are not already readily apparent to us. That mechanism must be overcome in experiments to confirm the predictions of the "new physics." This theory takes a somewhat different approach in that it attempts only to explain the origin of those fundamental fermions we already know, based on the possibility that those really are all that there are. Such a possibility is suggested by the numerous unsuccessful searches for additional fundamental fermions over the past five decades.

In that spirit this theory goes beyond the Standard Model in a different direction by postulating a revised form of quantum field theory and local gauge invariance. It adds a hypothesis that enhances the role of the internal symmetry groups' smooth manifolds and their U(1) X SU(2) X SU(3) product to the founding of space-time. The theory becomes more restrictive than the Standard Model in order to admit only the known stable fundamental fermions. The observed sets of the fundamental fermions* and bosons** then emerge as derived objects in a natural way from these hypotheses and their mathematical consequences, as does a simplified, natural form of cosmic inflation and a candidate particle for dark matter. These results insure that the theory is compatible with the Standard Model's successes while providing a new understanding of how its fermions originate, and possibly other new, heretofore unsuspected, testable results.

In its current form, in addition to QFT and the Standard Model, the Quantum Field Theory of Interactions draws most heavily on mathematical results from the theories of topological groups and manifolds, homotopy theory, Lie groups and Lie algebras and differentiable manifolds. When complete the theory will be made available through the usual outlets that disseminate physics research results, and by free download here to enable and encourage other researchers to further investigate its potential.

Many other fundamental particles with a wide variety of properties have been proposed and have been or are being actively searched for. The above are the only ones unequivocally confirmed by the Particle Data Group thus far and thus the only subjects for the Standard Model and this new Quantum Field Theory of Interactions.

Summmary for a general audience: The current physics theory of the known fundamental particles, the Standard Model, explains extremely well how they interact via their strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions and the Higgs field. It does not, however, explain how the particular set of fundamental particles that we observe arises, in preference to all other possible such sets. These facts are inserted into the theory "by hand" from what we see, rather than being derived from fundamental hypotheses. The Quantum Field Theory of Interactions is being researched at Nova Software, Inc., to address this question, to see if there is a theory that can successfully explain those facts from new fundamental hypotheses. If successful the theory will be made available in the usual physics locations for such work, and at this site in the hope that others will find it a worthwhile subject for further study.